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DDA Waivers We Work With

Waiver Basics

Waivers offer various services and benefits, such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances. The name waiver comes from the fact that the federal government “waives” Medical Assistance/Medicaid rules for institutional care for Maryland to use the same funds to provide support and services for people closer to home in their communities.

Community Pathways Waiver (CPW)

In Maryland, the Developmental Disabilities Administration administers the Community Pathways Waiver for Maryland Medicaid. Each waiver has its own unique set of eligibility requirements and services.

The Community Pathways Waiver provide support and services to eligible persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities from birth and older so they can remain in their home and community. Maryland has set criteria to determine eligibility for Medicaid waiver enrollment. Financial eligibility is based only on the individual’s income, not the parents’ income.

Community Supports Waiver (CSW)

Most services offered under Community Supports Waiver are the same as those provided under Community Pathways Waiver The services that are provided through the Community Supports Waiver mirror the services that are currently offered through the Community Pathways Waiver, with the exception of the Residential Services. It also includes the three new services. The services have been broken down into three categories: Employment and Day Services, Support Services, and Self-Directed Support Services.

Services We Provide Under Community
Pathways And Community Supports Waivers

Personal Supports:

These services provide individuals with the support necessary to live in their own homes, apartments, family homes, or rental units, with up to two other non-related individuals receiving the same type of services or members of the same family regardless of the family size. PS provides a full range of community-based supports, including assistance with ADLs, general supervision, and help with community-based chores and activities. Personal Supports program staff teach individual community integration, independent living, and safety skills in the community and home setting. Personal Supports program staff assist individuals living in their family homes with acquiring, building, or maintaining skills necessary to maximize their independence.


We offer transportation options to many individuals in our programs. We assist individuals with mobility training. We encourage individuals to become self-sufficient when working and going out into the community.

Community Development Services:

Community Development Services help individuals learn new skills and keep the skills they currently have related to their individual goals and outcomes. Services provide individuals with opportunities to engage in community-based activities that support building social connections (capital), socialization, life-long learning, recreation, and personal development for the purpose of: 1. Building and strengthening relationships with others in the local community who are not paid to be with the individual; and 2. Learning, practicing, and applying skills that promote greater independence and inclusion in their community. B. Community Development

Services can also be used as support for individuals as retirement support based on the aging process.
Service may be provided in groups of no more than four (4) individuals with developmental disabilities, all with similar interests and goals as outlined in their person-centered plan, except for self-advocacy groups. Community Development Services are day services.

Employment Services

Ongoing Job Supports

Ongoing Job Supports is a day service that is usually provided Monday through Friday and on weekends should the individual’s work schedule dictate so and do not exceed 8 hours per day. Employment Services – Ongoing Job Supports can be provided in a variety of settings in the community and does not include volunteering, apprenticeships, or internships. Employment Services – Ongoing Job Supports are meant to provide structured support to help individuals become independent and able to maintain competitive employment and be engaged in their community. Each Individual has an individual employment schedule. Service is provided in an individual setting with a staff ratio of one staff to one Individual at all times. Transportation to and from the program activities is provided or arranged by the provider and funded through the rating system. The mode of transportation which achieves the least costly, and most appropriate, means of transportation for the Individual with priority given to the use of public transportation when appropriate is used.

Follow-Along Supports

CCI, Inc. shall provide Employment Services – Follow-Along Supports to Individuals under Community Pathways and Community Supports Waivers. Follow-Along Supports include at least two direct support contacts with the participant in the course of the month, but may also include other types of interventions, such as, but not limited to:

  • Phone calls to the participant and/or employer;
  • General coordination is needed to support a participant to maintain their employment.

Direct support contacts are not required to take place at the employment site if this is a preference of the participant and/or the employer. Direct support contacts can be completed via remote technology as indicated in the participant’s person-centered plan (for example Skype or Facetime) if preferred by the participant and outlined in the participant’s person-centered plan.

Job Development

CCI, Inc. shall provide Employment Services – Job Development to individuals under Community Pathways and Community Supports Waivers. The program will help Individuals with Individualized job search assistance, assistance with identifying job leads, interview coaching and support, and maintaining a log of job search activities for the purposes of obtaining competitive integrated employment. By mutual consent of the Individual and provider, these services may be provided in-person or by Skype, FaceTime, or other online communication tools as indicated in the Individual’s person-centered plan.

The further scope of services includes using the Individual’s community network and the Individual’s scope of interests and competencies to reach out to potential employers, references, and other professionals who can help update the Individual’s resume and make connections for employment. It would include time spent calling employers, visiting and educating employers, and similar activities.

When appropriate, providing assistance with completing applications, setting up and attending interviews, and following up after interviews.

Self-Employment Development Supports

Employment Services – Self-Employment Development Supports is provided for a participant to explore opportunities of running a small business while being self-employed in a competitive integrated marketplace setting in the general workforce including:

Assistance in the development of a business and marketing plan, identifying and pursuing potential sources of business financing and other assistance in developing and launching a business such as exploration of business development State, Local, Federal, and other private resources, locating and pursuing professional resources that help with assistance with business registration and licensing, identification of small business contracts, customer aquation supports, identification of professional resources for other business-related matters such as accounting, compliance, etc.

Discovery (Milestones 1-3)

A time-limited, comprehensive, person-centered, and community-based employment planning support service designed to assist the participant to identify his/her abilities, interests, and ideal conditions of employment.

  • Best practices demonstrate that quality and person-centered discovery milestones can typically be completed within 90 days, however, the completion of each milestone is flexible and will be considered in conjunction with the participant’s unique circumstances.
  • Discovery includes the three (3) distinct milestones outlined in the Specific scope of Employment Services – Discovery section as in the below
    • Each Discovery Milestone is a stand-alone billable service.
    • Each Discovery milestone must be completed as per DDA regulations and policy with evidence of completion of the required activities.
    • Required evidence of completion includes the submission of the appropriate Discovery Milestone Profiles. CCI, Inc. may use its own Profile, as long as it includes the minimum required documentation outlined in DDA Guidelines for Service Authorization and Provider Billing Documentation.
    • Evidence of completion for each milestone shall be submitted to the Coordinator of Community Services with a copy of the record maintained by CCI, Inc.

Co-worker Employment Supports

Time-limited support is provided by a community employer to assist the participant, upon employment, with extended orientation and training beyond what is typically provided for an employee. CCI, Inc. shall provide Employment Services – Co-worker Employment Supports to Individuals under Community Pathways and Community Supports Waivers. Co-worker support refers to co-workers assisting one another in their tasks when needed by sharing knowledge and expertise as well as providing encouragement and support. The ties Individuals in services make with co-workers can connect them with useful resources, broaden their network, and help open up future career opportunities.

Supported Living Services:

Supported Living services provide individualized support, delivered in a personalized manner, to individuals who live in homes of their choice, with whom and where they want to live, and the type of community activities in which they wish to be involved based on their personal resources. Service assists individuals in living independently and provides opportunities to help the individual help shape the direction of their lives. Individuals can choose to live independently or with a roommate and learn how to make everyday decisions, such as what to cook for dinner, how to manage money, and engage and participate in their community. Supported Living services may be provided in the individual’s own house or apartment. Service may include coordination, training, support, and/or supervision (as indicated in the person-centered plan) related to self-advocacy; adaptive skills; community engagement; daily living; health-related matters; personal care; protection and oversight; social and leisure skills; and transportation and travel training.

Supported Living services are unavailable to individuals receiving support in other residential support services models, including Community Living Group Homes, Shared Living, and Enhanced Supervision Services.

Unique Program Features:

Our Admissions Committee staff members will meet with you and discuss in great detail your needs.

We will develop a custom program to meet all your unique needs.

Before submitting documentation to the funding source, we will present the program to you, your family, and your advocate for any suggestions and/or changes.

We will be available to communicate with you, your family, and your advocate 24/7, 365 days a year, if you need us.

We will be there to help you and support you in all situations. We are working for you but not against you.