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Report Incident


DSP staff must ensure the health and safety of Individuals in services at all times. If Individual’s health & safety are at immediate danger, DSP staff must contact 911 and only thereafter contact CCI, Inc. Emergency Number on call at 443-280-1893.

An incident is an event or situation that may involve the infringement of personal rights, harm, or risk of harm to a participant including, but not limited to, the following:


  • Physical, sexual and psychological abuse
  • Use of adverse technique
  • Inhumane treatment
  • Exploitation (financial or theft)
  • Neglect
  • Rights violations
  • Restraints/Seclusion
  • Complaints that include quality of care or service-related concerns and may pertain to any aspect of the program


  • Vehicle accident
  • Choking
  • Slips, trips or falls
  • Fall/fracture/burn/wound
  • Death/suicide/suicide attempt
  • Abandonment, missing person

Medical Incidents

  • Hospital/Emergency Room/Urgent Care visit and/or hospitalization
  • Medication or treatment error on behalf on hospital or other caretakers not associated with CCI, Inc.

Other Incident Types

  • Infectious & communicable diseases
  • Insect/bug infestations
  • Homelessness
  • Incidents involving police and fire departments
  • Any unusual incident, which may involve law enforcement or may attract media attention
  • Physical Aggression
  • Elopement
  • Mild/Moderate injuries with or without medical treatment
  • Theft of value
  • Bankruptcy or financial distress

Within 24 hours of the Incident, DSP staff will be directed to provide CCI, Inc. with a signed and dated IR document. CCI, Inc. will immediately suspend DSP staff involved in alleged Incidents involving Individual’s abuse, neglect, exploitation, theft, etc. until further investigation. DSP staff must cooperate fully with the CCI, Inc. during the investigation process.

CCI, Inc. Emergency on Call Number: 443-280-1893