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Basic Assurances®


The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) has created the Basic Assurances® as a framework to help ensure the health, safety and human security of people receiving services.  In Maryland, the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is working directly with CQL and Liberty Healthcare to complete a system review of services to pursue DDA accreditation in the Basic Assurances®.  A Basic Assurance® review includes an on-site evaluation of agency documents and data, as well as Individual and Staff files, and interviews and focus groups with Individuals receiving services, family members and Staff.

The Basic Assurances® include 10 factors which address the health, safety and human security of Individuals with disabilities.   (source:


Rights Protection and Promotion

Purpose: to ensure Individuals are aware of their rights, and that the agency supports Individuals to exercise these rights, including all staff, so that everyone is treated fairly


Dignity and Respect

Purpose: to promote respectful treatment of all Individuals, offering choices and meaningful lives which focus on capabilities, and offer opportunities for their opinions to be respected


Natural Support Networks

Purpose: to encourage natural development of friends and meaningful relationships, as a safeguard for health and safety, and to actively participate in the life of their community


Protection for Abuse, Neglect, Mistreatment and Exploitation

Purpose: to ensure Individuals are not subjected to harmful actions of others, through education and awareness, and a comprehensive system of reporting concerns


Best Possible Health

Purpose: to provide a system for preventive and routine healthcare, respond to medical emergencies and help people be informed about their healthcare decisions


Safe Environments

Purpose: to support people to live and work in safe settings, and know how to respond to emergencies


Staff Resources and Supports

Purpose: to maintain consistent and qualified staff who are well trained and treated fairly


Positive Services and Supports

Purpose: to promote meaningful outcomes and goals through Person Centered Plans that are directed by the Individual, and supported through the team, to help people be safe, while exercising independence, choices and freedom from any rights restrictions


Continuity and Personal Security

Purpose: to assist Individuals with feeling secure in the continuity of their services, and in the agency providing them, and that their private information is confidential


Basic Assurances® System

Purpose: to provide a systematic process of monitoring, evaluating and updating the Basic Assurances® plan to remain an integral part of agency operations

Additional Quality Review processes used by Maryland DDA

In addition to the Basic Assurances® reviews, DDA and Liberty Healthcare complete regular Utilization Reviews, which include a review of provider agency documentation of services, timesheets, outcomes and goals, to verify that services are delivered as intended and within the scope of the program regulations.   

Individuals receiving services may be contacted for a Personal Outcome Measure® (POM) interview, to gather information and feedback on the development of the Person Centered Plan, and how the outcomes in the plan are developed and support the dreams, desires, wants and needs of Individuals receiving services.

DDA regularly completes a National Core Indicator Survey®, to assess if Individuals receiving services in Maryland have the flexibility and service options to available to lead a safe, healthy and happy life of their choice.

More information regarding CQL, Liberty Healthcare and DDA can be found at the websites linked below.

Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)

The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)

Liberty Healthcare

National Core Indicators

Center for Community Inclusion, Inc. commitment to BA Process

The Center for Community Inclusion, Inc. has committed to adhering to the best practice standards outlined through CQL and the Basic Assurances®.

CCI, Inc. has taken the specific agency wide steps listed below to incorporate BA principles into the agency’s standard operational processes:

  • CCI, Inc. has reviewed and revised where needed all agency Policies, Procedures, and Practices to align with BA standards in order to offer the highest quality of services to Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
  • CCI, Inc. developed a comprehensive Basic Assurances® Manual incorporating all relevant Policies, Procedures and forms into the single resource accessible to all administrative and DSP staff.
  • CCI, Inc. provides on-going training to the agency Administrators, Direct Support Professionals, Individuals and their families to educate them on the Basic Assurances® process and expectations for service delivery.
  • CCI, Inc. utilizes specific BA tools to receive feedback from all stakeholders associated with the service delivery process regarding further implementation of BA principles and processes.
  • CCI, Inc. DSP professionals, Individuals in services and their family members are encouraged to contact CCI, Inc. office for any additional information and training for the BA process.